The Foundation is guided by and endeavours to uphold the following values: respect and promotion of human dignity; rejection of discrimination and unfairness in all their forms; openness and accountability of all institutions of state, civil society and private sector; participation, engagement and debate in all sectors of society.
To improve the quality of life for all, including the unemployed, women, youth, workers and marginalised communities in South Africa
To build non-racialism in South Africa, promote respect for diversity and encourage all races and all people of different faiths and cultures to move forward
The Foundation aims to consistently conduct itself in a manner that displays honesty, integrity, commitment and credibility
What Drives The Conty Lebepe Foundation
Improve the quality of life for all, more especially the unemployed, youth, children and marginalised rural communities in South Africa.
Provide community services where is needed most especially in rural areas.
Identify and support projects and programmes that empower individual citizens to become self-reliant and deepen non-racialism.
Run campaigns that promote unity and encourage all people to love each other no matter their background.
Organise seminars, lectures, debates and discussions that promote a non-racial, non-sexist and democratic South Africa.